JRR Tolkien
Tolkien created a vast universe to serve as the backdrop for his intriguing fiction; ranging from short story, to poetry, to song, to epic narrative. He filled volumes with imaginary history, of which few were ever completed and published. Admittedly, the density, the number of characters, and the incomplete nature of the work can make it difficult to enjoy Tolkien casually beyond Lord of the Rings. Enjoy charts and reflections to help navigate his works.Graphic Design Gallery
Take a look at some graphic designs; mostly 2d work done in Photoshop and Illustrator. There are a few Commercial Logos and couple of projects just for fun. Some designs have been re-created in physical media.3D Gallery
Once upon a time I was semi-proficient in 3d Studio Max; from version 2 through about 6. I haven't done much recently, but I do have 3dsmax 2011. If the images look old and dated, it'd probably because they're old, and dated.Traditional Media
A collection of fine art projects on traditional media. There are creations in graphite, acrylic, paper, canvas, gouache, 'sculpey', even egg shells.Calligraphy
Here are some samples of fine writing and calligraphy; mostly western, but one piece in Sanskrit. Most of my work here tends to be gifts for other people, and I didn't have the foresight to take photographs before sending them off.